Developer Support

Firstly, Check all the Plugins Available in the Developer’s Section, all of them contain an integration guide text file. If you still have issues with the integration, drop in an email with the Merchant Name and Exact Issue Screenshot to


A hash is the form of a checksum used to secure the payment request and response. To do so, a random numeric string is generated using a mathematical algorithm. The message is encrypted using a Secret Key called the ‘Salt’, that will be with both authentic sender and receiver.

Upon receiving the checksum, the receiver decodes it using the same Salt. If the checksum is different on the receiver’s side, it means that the message has tampered and thus this transaction will be rejected for security purpose.

Have you checked if it the correct hash generation format ? If you are not, you will encounter this error. Please make sure that the hash is calculated in the following sequence :


Please make sure that in the above sequence use the UDFs which have also been posted to our server.

At the time of delivering the API / SALT into your inbox, We also deliver an API Documentation in PDF Format. The Documentation contains all the steps for integrations as well as the Significance of Each and every error code so that the developer can himself debug the error in his code. The PDF is also available in the developer’s section.

Also, note that AggrePay has only one API / SALT Key for both Live and Test Modes. Please verify if the Account is Pending KYC Approval, else the Post Requests will throw an error always.

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