Profile Completion on SparkIT Pay

Click on and enter your registered email address where you receive your notifications. You will receive a password reset link in your e-mail inbox. Click on that link and it will redirect you to a Set New Password Page.

If you are unable to reset the password, kindly email us at We will manually reset your password. Please note that this is a one time feature and would not be exercised post the same.


Your Account Verification Process would be done once we verify the authenticity of your documents, which can take a working day. Please be patient with us in the process.


Business Approval Process on SparkITPay

Please visit this Documents Required For Payment Gateway to find out what documents are required for KYC Process. 

If you are taking donations as charity, you will need to submit Form 12A or Form 80G on the society’s or the trust’s name under which you are running your business as charity.


The process is completely online and hassle free. You can upload a soft copy of your agreement and documents to your SparkIT Pay Dashboard. Your agreement will be available after your business category is approved under Profile > Documents. For business category verification, our business team will reach out to you.


We are sorry for the inconvenience caused. Please send us the scanned copy of all your documents to help you with the process further.


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