What is UPI?
UPI (Unified Payments Interface) is just another payment option which mimics as your debit card for online transactions. It abstracts your bank account details in the form of a VPA. Now instead of sharing complex account details, the user can just share the VPA to receive/send money. And all of this is Realtime!
What is UPI?
VPA is a Virtual Payment Address like your email (eg. SparkITPay@bankname). A VPA can be linked to any bank’s account.
How do I create a VPA?
VPA can be created from a UPI enabled bank mobile application or third party application.
How does UPI work for your customers?
Key features
- Real time settlements
- Receive real-time settlement for P2P (Person to Person) flow and T+1 settlement for P2M (Person to Merchant) flow.
- Real time settlement model will directly settle customer’s money in your account. AggrePay charges a small service fee for this.
- No additional integration required
- AggrePay Merchants have UPI as a payment option enabled by default.
- Best success rates
- All calls are server to server and no redirects, hence best success rates.
- Secure transactions
- RBI approved single click and 2 factor authentication.
- Customer’s mobile is the First factor and M-Pin is Second factor authentication.
- M-Pin is Mobile PIN which is created while linking a bank account with a VPA handle.